Microresolutions, Macro results

This is a story about little things making a big difference.  This January, I adopted a practice of monthly “micro-resolutions”, where I chose a new habit to adopt for each month of the year.  For example, the month of January was a daily 10-min app-guided meditation (I like the Calm app), February was reading 20 pages a day (from a real, live, old-school book!)..for May, I’m going on a 30 minute walk every day.  The beauty of this for me is that it is a limited enough commitment that I feel like I can do it, while being long enough to create a change in behavior and see some positive results.  I am incredibly grateful that I chose meditation for January, because it has allowed me to enjoy the benefits of meditation for the past 4 months, as I chose to continue that habit. With the reading habit, i’ve definitely re-energized my love of reading, but have loosened the ‘requirement’ and am probably now averaging 10 pages a day (vs. zero previously, so that’s a huge win!). March’s microresolution was to journal every day, and I haven’t kept that up becuase it didn’t suit me. And that was a great learning too. My recommendation for the micro-resolutions are to make them bite-sized enough that you can commit to it for 30 days straight (i.e. meditating for 10 mins, not 1 hour a day, or walking for 30 mins vs. 2 hours), and make it specific enough that it’s actionable/measurable. In planning the upcoming summer months habits, I want to eat healthier generally, but I know that’s too broad. So, adding in something green to my diet every day will be my commitment for June. Let me know in the comments if you try this and what you think!


Tiny Habits, Big Results


“Thursday Night Vibes” and Choice